Versiones comparadas


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Before installing B+ SII SAP ECC Add-on it is convenient to consider the following prerequisites:

1.B+ SII for SAP ECC adapts to the current requirements of your platform as long as it complies with the following Ehp over SAP ECC 6.

































If the system does not have this level of Support Packages it is possible to perform the manual installation of eDocument Framework objects required for SII.
However, even if the system has the minimum maintenance level set by SAP for eDocument Framework, it is recommended to review at what level of implementation of eDocument Framework the level of SPs is equal, and apply the necessary notes or TCIs to reach the highest level available.

Note: In case the system does not have the maintenance level required, or if you want to update the eDocument Framework automatically, it is necessary to check if it is possible to apply the Transport Correction Instruction (TCI) of note 2433625 and (it is necessary to apply before 1995550), which automates the process. This note also has version restrictions, currently only the TCI can be applied from the SAP_APPL version 605 (ECC 6.0 EHP5). If it is not possible to apply it, then you have to go to point 2 of this document, which describes the manual notes necessary to install or update the eDocument Framework.


2. If it is not possible to apply the TCI, it is possible to do a downporting of the eDocument following the note 1995867. This note refers to the ones that appear below, and it is necessary to apply them all for the correct operation of eDocument Framework. It is important to read well the prerequisites and manual tasks of each note, since a large number of them require manual intervention and can not be fully applied from the SNOTE transaction.

• 2001019 eDocument: Enhancement-point in function module RV_INVOICE_DOCUMENT_ADD

• 2005304 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for Note 1995867

• 1995867 eDocument Framework

• 2021860 eDocument Framework (II)

• 2040583 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for Note 2040567

• 2040567 eDocument Framework (III)

• 2072539 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for Note 2061166

• 2061166 eDocument Framework (IV)

• 2084098 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for Note 2079957

• 2079957 eDocument Framework (V)

• 2110692 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for Note 2120281

• 2120281 eDocument Framework (VI)

• 2148206 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for Note 2122429

• 2122429 eDocument Framework (VII)

• 2170178 eDocument: Logical Port dependent on Company Code

• 2212967 eDocument Reference: Sequence Number

• 2232087 eDocument: Key Fields are not Consecutive in View EDOPROCSTEPVERV

• 2217515 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for Note 2153215

• 2153215 eDocument Framework (8)

• 2230746 eDocument Prerequisite for Note 2224680

• 2224680 eDocument: Source Type "Invoice Verification„

• 2243028 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for Note 2239055

• 2239055 eDocument: Cross-Country eDocuments

• 2262900 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for Note 2256720

• 2256720 eDocument Framework (9)

• 2318400 eDocument Framework: Prerequisites for Note2235496

• 2235496 eDocument Framework (10)

• 2376336 eDocument Framework: Prerequisite Objects for Note 2327646

• 2327646 eDocument Framework (11)

• 2362125 eDocument Cockpit: Prerequisite Objects for Note 2293306

• 2293306 eDocument Cockpit

• 2391309 eDocument Inbound Message Handler: Prerequisites for SAP Note 2280985

• 2280985 eDocument Inbound Message Handler

• 2403666 eDocument Framework: Prerequisite Object for Note 2386606

• 2386606 eDocument Framework (12)

For more detail about edocument look at this link:

Componente B+ for SAP ECC

The B+ component for SAP ECC is a component that is installed through SAP orders using the COFILE and DATA files that are provided in the customer portal. These files must be uploaded to the $DIR_TRANS/cofiles and $DIR_TRANS/data (in Microsoft $DIR_TRANS\cofiles and $DIR_TRANS\data) respectively and then added to the system import queue for import in the usual way. If there is more than one order, they must be imported in ascending order.

The Add-on has to be imported into the client 000 and into the working clients.

Version 1.5.0 is packaged inside a ZIP file containing two folders:

  • Delta: This is an update for systems that have previously installed version 1.4. Contains two transport orders to be imported in ascending sequence.
  • Standalone (Full version): It is the complete package of version 1.5.0. It can be installed on a system that does not have B+ SII installed, or also on any of the previous B + SII versions. However, it is recommended that if the version 1.4.0 is already installed, the Delta installation is used.

Note that depending on the version of SAP in which the Add-on is being installed, you must check the "Ignore version restrictions" option.


The installation package is available on the

It is advisable to use the latest version available.

Download Software

The software can be downloaded from:


... ECC Pre-requisites IS-U Pre-requisites S/4 Pre-requisites