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To be able to enter to see the invoices that have been sent to NAV, the following transaction is used


Access the electronic invoice monitor via transaction /EDGE/EIHU_MONI


Keep in mind that when you place the transaction in the SAP start menu you will have to go with /n/ ahead , to facilitate the management of NAV eInvoice reporting.
Upon creation of an FI document for Hungarian issued invoices, provided it meets customized conditions, an entry will be generated in the monitor for each instance.


Please consider this transaction must start with "/n/" in the SAP start menu as it is a non-standard transaction.

Once the transaction is placed, we will press " Enter " and the following filter screen will appear:

Image Removed

Image Removed

In this fi later screen you will have to choose the type of invoice that is going to be consulted:

Image Removed

-           EHUFI: Invoice issued FI Hungary


Once selected the type of invoice issued can be filtered by more data, such as:

-           Facture status to

-           Entry date of invoice

-           Users

-           Type of invoice

-           Society

-           Client. etc.


Next, click Run Image Removed and redirect to the product monitor:

Image Removed


When accessing the monitor, a filtering screen will be displayed where the “Issued invoices Hungary” report must be selected from the dropdown list.


Once the report has been selected, it will be required to provide information for at least one of these two fields:

  • Electronic Invoice ID

  • Invoice entry date

The remaining filtering fields are optional, with the user having the ability to restrict the data to be displayed based on the completed fields for conducting searches.

After filling in one or more search selection fields and executing the report, the list will be displayed with the data that meets the selected criteria.


The electronic billing monitor allows the user to access greater detail through the following fields:

  • Electronic Invoice ID – Navigates to the details of the electronic invoice.


  • Document No. FI - Navigates to the financial document


  • Log - Navigates to transaction SLG1, where you can view the log of each submission and any corresponding errors in case they exist.


  • Attachment - Generates a pop-up window with the details of the files generated for each invoice.


Download attachments

Invoice attachments can be downloaded so that the user can save them in XML format, from the Export button.
