Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.

With the new version of the XML, new mapping classes have been created to generate the XML with the new fields and with the modifications of the fields that already existed.


If the standard mapping classes are currently being used and the extensions carried out are the ones mentioned above, it is not necessary to make any adaptation beyond the implementation of the BAdIs of the new fields (BAdIs SII 1.1)

If, on the other hand, Z mapping classes are being used, it is necessary to create new Z mapping classes that inherit from the mapping classes 1.0, as well as the standard ones created in the product.

The process to follow would be to copy the new mapping classes one by one in a class Z.

Example: copy mapping class for Issued Invoices:

Image Modified

Activate the class.

Change the inheritance of the new Z class so that it inherits from class Z of mappings 1.0:

Image Modified

A new method has been created: GET_ESTRUCTURA_XML_1_1 that is responsible for mapping the fields that have been renamed, and the new fields that appear in this version of the XML.Once the class has been created, it must be parameterized in the EDOMAPCLASSDETV view of the SM30.We look for the corresponding entry of the batch of issued invoices  create with version 2 and we change the standard class for the Z:

Image Modified

This process must be repeated for all mapping classes created for the new version. These mapping classes are parameterized in the EDOMAPCLASSDETV view with value 2 in the version field. The same type of mapping (supply) corresponds to the types of the registration and modification batch.Below are all the new mapping classes generated for this version. Generate copies of those that apply:

New18.3 ClassesNuevas ofclases mappingde mapeo Mapping class customizing per batch