Code | Description |
1212 | The DeductibleQuota field must be zero when the value of KeyRegimeNSpecialOTranscendence or some Additional TrickenorKey is 13 |
1213 | The value of the DeductibleShare field must be less than or equal to the sum of the Positive Supported Odds plus a euro |
1214 | The DeductibleQuota field has an incorrect value for the value in the Provided CompensationRE-AGYPCompensationAmount fields |
1218 | The TaxType field must be reported if the Non-ExemptType field has a value of S3 and KeyRegimeNEspecialOTranscedency or SpecialSystemKeyOrTranscendence Additional Descent with a value other than 03,05,09,16 |
1219 | The TaxType field must be reported with a value other than 0 if the Non-ExemptType field has a value of S1 and SpecialSystemSystemoTranscedency or SpecialSystemKeyOrTranscendenceAdditional With value other than 03.05,09,16 |
1220 | The Transmitted Quota field must be reported if the Non-ExemptType field has an S1 value and the Special SystemKey or Special SystemKeyOrTranscendence Additional Descent with a value other than 03.05,09,16 |
1221 | The Transmitted Quota field must be reported if the Non-ExemptType field has an S3 value and the Special SystemKey or Special SystemKeyOrTranscendence Additional Descent with a value other than 03.05,09,16 |
1222 | The Field Impositive Type must be empty or with a value of 0, if the Non-ExemptType field has a value of S1 and SpecialSystemSystemorTranscedency or SpecialSystemKeyAdditional Significance with value to 03, 05, or 09 and the BaseImponible is equal to 0 |
1223 | The AffectedQuota field must be empty or with a value of 0, if the Non-ExemptType field has a value of S1 and SpecialSystemSystemorTranscedency or SpecialSystemKeyAdditional Significance with value to 03, 05, or 09 and the BaseImponible is equal to 0 |
1226 | If the Type of Immensis is 0, the Affected Quota must be 0 if the Non-ExemptType field has an S3 value |
1227 | If the IopositiveType is empty or value equal to 0, the Transmitted Quota must be empty, or with a value of 0 if the Non-ExemptType field has an S1 value and any Special SystemKeyOrTranscendenceOrAdditional Descent with value of 03, 05, or 09 and some another with a value other than 03, 05 or 09 |
1228 | There must be at least one Tax Type field completed and different from 0 |
1229 | There must be at least one Tax Type field equal to 0 |
1230 | If the Non-ExemptType field has an S3 value, at least two lines of DetailIVA must be informed |
1231 | The Affected Quota and BaseImponible field must have the same sign. |
1232 | The Affected Quota and BaseAbleACoste field must have the same sign. |
1233 | The Affected Quota field has an incorrect value for the TypeOfr and TaxAble Base fields supplied |
1234 | The Affected Quota field has an incorrect value for the Supplied TaxAble Type and BaseAbleACoste fields |
1235 | The TaxType field must be 0 if the Non-ExemptType field has a value of S2 |
1236 | The TypeIpositive field must be blank or value equal to 0, if the Non-ExemptType field has a value of S3 and KeyRegimenSpecialTranscedency or SpecialSystemKeyAdditional Significance with value to 03, 05, or 09 |
1237 | The Affected Quota field must be 0 if the Non-ExemptType field has an S2 value |
1238 | The AffectedQuota field must be blank or value equal to 0 if the Non-ExemptType field has an S3 value and Special SystemKey or SpecialSystemKeyOrTranscendence Additional Descent with value of 03, 05, or 09 |
1240 | If the IopositiveType is empty or with a value equal to 0, the Transmitted Quota must be empty or with a value equal to 0 if the Non-ExemptType field has an S3 value and any Special SystemKeyOrTranscedency or SpecialSystemKeyOrEssinsing Additional value with a value of 03, 05, or 09 and some other with a value other than 03, 05 or 09 |
1241 | The BaseImponible field must have a value of 0 if the Non-ExemptType field has a value of S1 and KeyRegimenSpecialOrTranscedency or SpecialSystemKeyOrTranscendenceAdditional Descent with value to 03, 05, or 09 |
1242 | The Affected Quota field must be reported if the TaxType field is filled in and is different from 0 |
1243 | There must be at least one Empty Or 0-value Payment Type field |
1244 | The ReAGYP CompensationAmount field has an incorrect value for the value in the BaseImponible and PercentCompensacionREAGYP fields supplied |
1245 | The ReAGYP And BasePrintable CompensationAmount and Base fields must have the same sign |
1246 | The Supported Quota and BaseImponible fields must have the same sign |
1247 | The Supported Rate field has an incorrect value for the value in the BaseImponible and TaxType fields supplied |
1248 | If the InvoiceType is F5 or LC the issuer's NIF must match the registration book holder's NIF |
1249 | The value of the SystemKeyOTranscendence field does not allow values in the AdditionalDescentSystemKey1 or AdditionalDescentSystemKey2 |
1250 | The Field RegimedeRegimeNSpecialOTranscendenceAdditional1 does not support the reported SpecialRegimeKey |
1251 | The Field RegimedeRegimeNSpecialOTranscendenceAdditional2 does not support the reported SpecialRegimeKey |
1252 | If the only special regimen key is 02 and the Communication Type is not A5 or A6, only Subject/Exempt operation can be indicated |
1253 | If any of the special regimen keys is 02 and the Communication Type is not A5 or A6, it is mandatory that at least the Subject/Exempt operation exists. |
1254 | If the Special SystemKey Or any Additional SystemKey Or Transcendence additional value must be reported |
1255 | If supported fee is reported, TypeIpositive type must be reported |
1260 | When VAT refund travellers have been selected, the TaxBase must be negative |
1261 | When VAT refund has been selected, the Affected Fee must be negative |
1262 | When the Communication Type is A5 or A6, the Affected Fee must be negative |
1263 | When the Communication Type is A5 or A6, the BaseImponible must be negative |
1264 | When vat refund travellers is selected, it can only be selected in Transaction Breakdown: Subject /Non-Exempt. |
1265 | When the Communication Type is A5 or A6, the InvoiceType must be F1, the SpecialSystemKeyOTranscendence must be 02, the Operation Breakdown can only be Subject/Non-Exempt, and the Non-Exempt Type must be S1 |
1266 | Technical error getting DER invoice serial number validation |
1267 | The NumInvoiceInvoiceField does not meet the DER format |
1268 | The TaxType field must be reported with a value other than 0 if the Non-ExemptType field has a value of S1 and SpecialSystemSystemOTranscedency with value equal to 03.05.09, and the tax base is different from 0 |
1269 | The Transmitted Quota field must be reported with a value other than 0 if the Non-ExemptType field has a value of S1 and Special SystemKeyOTranscedence with value equal to 03.05.09, and the tax base is different from 0 |
1270 | The NumInvoiceInvoiceField does not meet the DUA format |
1271 | The NumInvoiceInvoiceField does not meet the Customs supplemental settlement format |
1272 | The BaseAbleToCost field is required when the value of Special SystemKey Or some Additional SystemKey OrTranscendence is 06 |
1273 | The Supported Quota and BaseAbleACoste fields must have the same sign |
1274 | The Supported Rate field has an incorrect value for the value in the BaseAbleACoste and PrintType fields supplied |
1275 | If the Field RegimenSpecialOTranscendence or some Additional SystemKeyOrTranscendence on received invoices has a value equal to 06 the BaseAbleToCoste field must be reported |
1276 | If the SystemKey Or Transcendence has a value of 06, the InvoiceType field cannot have a value of F2 or F4 or R5 |
1277 | When the TipoComunicacion is A5 or A6, only the tax rates 4%, 10% and 21% are accepted. |
1278 | If the ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia or any ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendenciaAdicional have value 03, 05 the ImporteTotal must be informed. |
1279 | When TipoFactura is F2 the CuotaDeducible must be 0 |
4128 | Technical error when recording in inbox |
4129 | Technical error in identifying the situation of the counterpart |
4130 | The holder of the certificate must be the NIF Holder LRFE, Power of Attorney or Successor |
4131 | The holder of the certificate must be the NIF Holder LRFR, Power of Attorney or Successor |
4132 | The NIF Holder LRFE is not in the SII Census |
4133 | NIF Titular LRFR is not in the SII Census |
The following is a list of error codes removed by the AEAT:
Code | Description |
1194 | If the value of the BaseImponible is 0, the ImporteTotal field must be reported when the ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia field is 03, 05 or has any ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendenciaAdicional reported |
1220 | The CuotaRepercutida must be compulsorily reported if the TipoNoExenta field has an S1 value and the ClaveRegimenEspecialOTranscedencia or ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendenciaAdicional with a value other than 03,05,09,16 |
1221 | The CuotaRepercutida field must be compulsorily reported if the TipoNoExenta field has an S3 value and theClaveRegimenEspecialOTranscedencia or ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendenciaAdicionall with a value other than 03,05,09,16 |
1260 | When you have selected VAT return travellers, the BaseImponible field must be negative. |
1261 | When you have selected VAT refund travellers, the CuotaRepercutida field must be negative |
2003 | Some of the rectified invoices do not exist in the system |
3011 | It is not allowed to modify the Special Regime Key in invoices that contain Collections or Payments |