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1TESIICNCNew BADI (/EDGE/BADI_SII_TRATAR_RESP) is added. This BADI is called from the methods TRATAR_FE, TRATAR_FR, TRATAR_BI and TRATAR_OI of the class /EDGE/CL_SII_CONCILIA_API. It will be implemented if it is necessary to carry out a different treatment for certain records returned by the AEAT.If the record has been processed by the BADI, the parameter EV_BADI_EXECUTED must be selected so that the process does not continue with standard processing.New Functionality
2TESIICNCNew key field is added to the /EDGE/SII_ENDPNT table to configure endpoints for the Canary Islands.
New Functionality
3TESIICNCField key CLASS_MIDDLEWARE is set in table /EDGE/SII_CO_015.
4TESIICNSThe communication classes /EDGE/CL_CS_CON_AEAT_CSV, /EDGE/CL_CS_CON_AEAT_DIRECTO, /EDGE/CL_CS_CON_AEAT_HCI and /EDGE/CL_CS_CON_AEAT_PI have been adjusted to dynamically take inbound and outbound data types of proxy calls that are parameterized in table /EDGE/SII_CO_015 and endpoints in table /EDGE/SII_ENDPNT.If you have Z classes of communications check if it is still necessary to use these Z classes.Improvement
5TESIICNCA class of utilities is added to encapsulate methods related to communication that are common to various kinds of communications. This class is /EDGE/CL_CC_UTILITIES_COM
6TESIICNCThe logic for determining whether a document belongs to another Agency is improved. This new logic is encapsulated in the VERIFY_OTRA_AT method of the /EDGE/CL_CS_TRATAMIENTO class and is called from the BADI /EDGE/CL_BADI_SII_IMP_SAP_CON class in the GET_FE and GET_FR methods.If you have implemented BADI /EDGE/CL_BADI_SII_IMP_SAP_CON review the implementation to adapt the code.Improvement
7TESIICNSThe methods PREPARA_MAPEOS, RECUPERA_GUIDS_FROM_IDFACTURA, CONSTRUCTOR, REALIZA_MAPEOS and RECUPERA_MAPEO_VIRTUAL of the class /EDGE/CL_CS_TRATAMIENTO are adapted to add compatibility with the Canary Islands.If you have a Z class for processing Concilia data, check whether there is a redefinition of these methods and adapt the code.New Functionality
8TESIICNSCL_EDOCUMENT class is extended with a new method /EDGE/FORCE_PREPARE to adapt Concilia with the solution of the SII of SAP of the Canary Islands.
New Functionality
9TESIICNSNew entries are added to the AIF for the Canary Islands interfaces. These new entries have the EDGECC domain in the /AIF/T_FINF table.
New Functionality
10TESIICNSThe function module /EDGE/CS_AIF_INIT_REQUEST_MAP is adapted to add compatibility with the Canary Islands.
New Functionality
11TESIICNCThe status update to a completed reconciliation is corrected when the SAP document retrieval process is completed without AT. 

New functionality is added to the reconciliation monitor to allow deletion of DB reconciliation data. 

The discarded conciliation icon is now Image Modified and the DDBB deleted conciliation is Image Modified.

New Functionality