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  • Additional Parameters: In this section there are some additional parameters to configure the Broker connection:

Cuando se pierda la conexión con el Broker, o con el servidor que aloja al mismo, se entrará en un periodo de reconexión. Es muy importante poder recuperar la conexión sin perder la persistencia de datos, para no perder ningún mensaje publicado desde la última conexión; por lo que, este proceso se ejecuta de forma periódica hasta lograr la reconexión o hasta que el canal sea detenido por el administrador de forma manual. 

El primer parámetro especifica el tiempo de espera entre cada intento de reconexión. 

El segundo parámetro es propio del protocolo MQTT y especifica el intervalo de tiempo entre cada confirmación del estado de la conexión emitido por el Broker: cada X tiempo, definido por el Keep Alive Ratio, Broker y cliente intercambian un ping, si el Broker no obtuviera respuesta o no se produjera en el tiempo especificado, el Adaptador considera que se ha perdido la conexión entre Broker y Adaptador, y entra en estado de reconexión.


If the connection of the Broker or server that host it is lost, it will begin a reconnection period. It is very important to be able to recover the connection without losing the data persistence, so no message published since the last connection is lost; consequently, this process is executed regularly until it get a reconnection or the channel is manually stopped by the administrator.

The first parameter define the timeout between each reconnection attempt.

The second parameter, belonging to the MQTT protocol, define the time interval between each verification of the connection status sent out by the Broker: each X secs, defined by the Keep Alive ratio, Broker and client ping each other. If the Broker do not get an answer during the specified time, the adapter considers the connection between Broker and Adapter is lost, changing the status to reconnection.

The third parameter represent a clean session, without data persistence. The data persistence of a connection allows the connection status to be kept, regardless of the Broker connection; meaning the information of the subscribed Topics, number of received messages, client ID, etc… are stored between connections.

  • Last Will and Testament Parameters: En este apartado se especifican los parámetros del LWT. In this section, the LWT parameters can be defined:

El proceso conocido como 

The Last Will and


Testament process consist of sending a message to the Broker when the Adapter detects a sudden connection loss. This message must have been previously stored in its memory, indicating the specific Topic where the message will be sent and a preset Quality of Service. It is an optional process; in fact, it recommended for use only in very specific cases such as channels that may present errors and handle sensitive data.

Parameters to be configure are: the Topic of the Last Will and Testament, the Quality of Service of the message to be sent and the Message to be sent when the connection is unexpectedly lost.