From transaction /N/EINVO/RO_TR_003, you can access the document reprocessing of eFaktur documents.
This tool allows you to select all those documents for which no entry has been created in the monitor, either due to errors or due to the configured conditions for their creation.
Upon accessing, a selection screen is displayed where you can search for the corresponding data.
At least these two fields must be reported:
Company code
Fiscal year
The rest of the filtering fields are optional, and the user can restrict the data to be displayed based on the completed fields for searches.
Once the search selection fields are completed and the report is executed, the list will be displayed with the data that meets the selected criteria.
After applying the filtering, the reprocessing monitor will display all documents that have not created an entry in the monitor and meet the selection criteria.
Refresh: Used to update the monitor and include possible new records.
Reprocess Invoice: Select the corresponding records and click on Reprocess Invoice. A confirmation message will be displayed, and the record will be reprocessed.
If the error that caused it to enter the Reprocess monitor has been corrected, the record will disappear from the Reprocess monitor and will be shown in the eFaktur monitor.
If the error persists, the record will remain in the Reprocess monitor until it is corrected to be reprocessed again.
View Log: To see details of the process or errors for a record, you can select the 'View Log' button to view the details.