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10 February 2025
Patch released of the b+ dgtal TicketBAI-BATUZ product for SAP Cloud Public Edition. This version includes a technical improvement in the BADI (/TBAI/BADI_DETERMINE).
Updated the BADI /TBAI/BADI_DETERMINE method to add a new parameter related to the main configuration table b+dgtal TicketBAI.
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31 January 2025
Third released version of the b+ dgtal TicketBAI-BATUZ product for SAP Cloud Public Edition. This release includes key functionality, fixes and enhancements for billing and compliance management.
Middleware response management.
BAdI for automatic invoice printing.
Editable URL and invoice number in master record.
Adaptation of mappings for credit memos generated from SD and MM.
New BAdIs for the identification of cancellations and treatment of tax codes with specific configurations (Supported +/- 21%).
Release of /TBAI/CS_EVENT_MESH scenario for EventMesh.
Correction of fields in license table (Software Data).
Enabling the TBAI invoice registration XML specific to Vizcaya.
Adaptation of mapping of the “NumInvoice” field for invoices generated from SD, MM and FI.
Adaptation of mapping of the field “InvoiceDescription” for invoices generated from SD and FI.
Adaptation of mapping of the “DescriptionOperation” field for invoices generated from MM and FI.
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18 July2024
Second released version of the b+dgtal TicketBAI-BATUZ Solution for SAP Cloud Public Edition.
Adaptation of mapping for MM casualties on incoming invoices
Mapping of “DescripcionOperacion” field for MM Invoice Received Invoice Acquisition
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08 Marzo March 2024
📚 Notas de versión Release notes 1.0.0
Primera versión liberada del producto Summary
First released version of the b+dgtal TicketBAI-BATUZ para Solution for SAP Cloud Public Edition.
Etiqueta Tag v.1.0.0. - b+ TicketBAI - Versión Version 1.0.0.
Generación de registros TBAI de alta y rectificativa con código TBAI, QR y firma electrónica, así como también de anulaciones.
Generación de anotaciones LROE de alta y rectificativa de facturas emitidas con y sin software garante, así como también de anulaciones.
Generación de anotaciones LROE de alta y rectificativa de facturas recibidas, así como también de anulaciones.
Generación de factura TicketBAI en formato PDF.
Procesamiento para la generación de registros TBAI y/o anotaciones LROE, mediante ejecución en proceso de fondo (Job) y de manera manual a través del monitor de reprocesamiento. Monitor de reproceso
Apartado de parametrización para la generación de registros TBAI y/o anotaciones LROE, así como también para la configuración de indicadores de impuestos y definición de correspondencia Hacienda-Sociedad, entre otros. Configuración principal TBAI
Monitor b+ TicketBAI-BATUZ
Generation of TBAI registration entries for both initial and corrective purposes, featuring TBAI code, QR, and electronic signature, as well as cancellations.
Generation of LROE annotations for both initial and corrective entries of issued invoices, with and without guarantee software, as well as cancellations.
Generation of LROE annotations for both initial and corrective entries of received invoices, as well as cancellations.
Generation of TicketBAI invoices in PDF format.
Processing for the generation of TBAI registrations and/or LROE annotations, through execution in background processes (Job) and manually via the reprocessing monitor. b+ Reprocessing monitor
Customizing section for the generation of TBAI registrations and/or LROE annotations, as well as for the setup of Tax codes and definition of Foral Council-Company code correspondence, among others. Main TBAI Customizing
b+ TicketBAI-BATUZ monitor for the visualization, management, and traceability of generated TBAI registrations and/or LROE annotations. b+ TicketBAI-BATUZ Monitor