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The b+ Core Framework  dgtal eInvoice is a component used to create business steps that follow a sequence depending on certain conditions or states of the processes.


  1. Business Unit definition.
  2. Design the business process.
  3. Design of the states through which the process can pass.
  4. Transactions that are part of the orchestrator.
  5. Functional configuration of the orchestrator.
    1. General configuration.
      1. Configuration the number range.
      2. License Installation.
      3. Configuration of general parameters.
      4. Business Objects configuration accepted.
      5. Channel Configuration
    2. States configuration.
    3. Specific configuration for each process/business object.
      1. Business objects Steps Configuration.
      2. Configuration of parameters or constants for the business object.
      3. Configuration of external document types.
    4. Configuration of input XML transformations.
    5. Configuration of the monitor or report for each process.
    6. Configuration automatic determination of business object..
      1. Determination by table/field structure.
    Process monitor display.
  6. JOBS configuration.
    1. Process start-up configuration.
    2. Configuration of the resumption of processes.
    Integración con orquestador PI/Java b+ FacturaE
    1. .
  7. Steps to instantiate a business object and start a process.
    1. Scenario of starting interpreter from SD Invoice.
  8. Which packages to import to deploy the b+ Core Framework?.