The ABAP class that uses this communication is /EDGE/CL_CS_CON_AEAT_CSV.
With this communication, conciliations are performed from CSV files downloaded from the AEAT.
The following options are available in transaction /EDGE/SII_CON_AEAT:
UTA_CSV (mandatory): server path where the CSV files will be loaded. The convention of names is CCCC_YYYY_PP_RB.csv, where:
CCCC: Company Code (BUKRS).
YYYY: Fiscal Year (GJAHR).
PP: Period with possible values: 01..12, 0A.
RB: Register book, with possible values: FE for outgoing invoices, FR for incoming invoices.
UTF8: Indicates whether the file uses a charset UTF-8 (if X) or not (if empty or does not exist). The CSV files provided by the AEAT from the export link without limits are not encoded in charset UTF-8 as of 2017/12/20.
NUM_CABECERAS: number of header lines in the CSV file. The default value for AEAT standar files is 1.
NUM_REGISTROS: number of CSV lines to be processed in each step - simulates AEAT WS paging.
From the product the mapping corresponding to the CSV files provided by the AEAT obtained from the Export without limits link is provided. Although it should not be necessary to modify it during implementation, the configuration will be loaded in the /EDGE/SII_CO_CSV table. To load it, it is necessary to activate BCset /EDGE/BCSET_CONCILIA_CSV from transaction SCPR20.