6.5. Medio de pago AEAT / Vía de pago SAP
/EDGE/SII_CU_033 Los valores permitidos para indicar el medio de pago o cobro en los libros de cobros y pagos son los siguientes:
Valores | Descripción |
01 | Transferencia |
02 | Cheque |
03 | No se cobra / paga (fecha límite de devengo / devengo forzoso en concurso de acreedores) |
04 | Otros medios de cobro / pago |
Campo | Significado |
País | Clave del país para el cual queremos configurar el medio de pago |
Vía de pago | Vía de pago a través de SAP. Para cada vía de pago hay que especificar un medio de pago para la AEAT |
Medio de pago | Medio de pago que va a utilizar la AEAT |
Vista en B+SII:
The permitted values to indicate the means of payment or collection in the books of collections and payments are the following:
Value | Description |
01 | Transfer |
02 | Voucher |
03 | No charge/payment (deadline of accrual/accrual due in the competition of creditors) |
04 | Other means of collection / payment |
In this table we indicate the means of payment that will use the AEAT for each payment route, through which this item must be paid in SAP. The fields to be filled in are:
Field | Description |
Country | Country code for which we want to set up the payment method |
Via payment | Via payment by SAP. For each payment route, a means of payment must be specified for the AEAT |
Means of payment | Means of payment to be used by the AEAT |
View in b+ SII: