6. Instalación de certificados
Estos certificados que se instalarán en este paso se utilizarán para habilitar la encriptación de las conexiones con el servidor Apache Tomcat.
These certificates that will be installed in this step will be used to enable the encryption of connections to the Apache Tomcat server.
1- Certificates are extracted into /tmp/ folder and entered into /tmp/cert/ |
2- |
Check contents of generate_jks.bash |
Contents of generate_jks.bash |
3- |
Create the /sii/tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.5.11/ssl/ |
folder for Tomcat 8 |
This will be the certificate handling location. |
to the location |
4- |
Delete temporary files |
5- |
The server.xml (/tomcat/apache-tomcat-x.x.xx/conf/server.xml) |
is modified by adding: |
6- |
Check that the settings have been made correctly. |
Verify that the result of openssl s_client -connect localhost: 9443 |
Cumpla los valores de la cadena de certificado, sujeto y emisor
-debug Comply with the values of the certificate, subject and issuer chain. |
7- |
Edit file /etc/hosts/: |
8- |
Content: |