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esta tabla se debe parametrizar el repositorio donde deben almacenarse los documentos que se guardan por lote (XML de envío de y de respuesta). El repositorio debe vincularse a la categoría de almacenamiento In this table you must parameterize the repository where the documents that are saved by batch (XML of sending of and of answer) must be stored. The repository must be linked to the storage /EDGE/SII . Esta entrada es necesaria hacerla a la hora de implantar el producto.

Además, para que se lleve a cabo el almacenamiento de los XML es necesario también que el flag correspondiente de la parametrización Middleware esté marcado (ver). Si no lo está, no se almacenará ningún XML pese a que la categoría de almacenamiento esté correctamente completada.

Los campos a rellenar son:

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La parametrización quedaría:

Image Removedcategory. This entry is necessary to make it at the time of implanting the product.

In addition, for storing the XML, it is also necessary that the corresponding flag of the Middleware parameterization is checked (see). If it is not, no XML will be stored even though the storage category is properly completed.

The fields to be filled in are:

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CategoryCategory of physical documents. The category /EDGE/SII is provided
DescriptionDescription of storage category
Document AreaScope of documents. Scope /EDGE/SII is provided
Content RepName of the content repository where we want to store the XML

The parameterization would be:

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Once this process is finished it will be necessary to make sure that the parameter STORAGE_XML has been parameterized in the transaction of "MW parameterizations in SII" as indicated in point 8.1. of this manual.