UC-02a | ProductManagement - Addcategoryproduct |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions |
Description | Functionality to add new categoriesproducts |
Secuence |
Postconditions | Audit fields must save who created that categoryproduct. |
Exceptions | System must reject categories product if provided category product KEY just exists. |
Comments | Category Product KEYs are mandatory and primery primary keys and could not be modified once a category product is created. |
UC-01b02b | CategoryManagement ProductManagement - Updatecategoryproduct |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions |
Description | Functionality to update a categoryproduct |
Secuence |
Postconditions | Audit fields must save who modified that categoryproduct. |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primarey key does not exist. |
Comments | Category Product KEYs are mandatory and primery primary keys and could not be modified once a category product is created. |
UC-01c02c | CategoryManagement ProductManagement -Remove categoryRemove product | ||
Versión | 1.0 | ||
Dependencies | None | ||
Preconditions |
| ||
Description | Functionality to remove a categoryproduct | ||
Secuence |
| Postconditions | Audit fields must save who modified that products.
Postconditions | None | ||
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primarey primary key does not exist. | ||
Comments | None |
UC-01d02d | CategoryManagement ProductManagement -Change categoryChange product visibility |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions |
Description | Functionality to update category product visibility |
Secuence |
Postconditions | Audit fields must save who modified the categoryproduct |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primarey key does not exist. |
Comments | None |
UC-01e02e | CategoryManagement ProductManagement -Find categoriesFind products |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions |
Description | Functionality to search for categories |
Secuence |
Postconditions | None |
Exceptions | None |
Comments | None |
UC-01f | CategoryManagement - Update category products |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions |
Description | Functionality to update products associated to a category |
Secuence |
Postconditions | None |
Exceptions | None |
Comments | None |