Nota |
Only records in the following states can be reprocessed: 2000 - Proceso emisión factura Polonia iniciadoPoland invoice issuance process started 2002 - Error al extraer datos de la factura SAPextracting data from invoice 2004 - Error al generar XML de envíowhile creating XML file 2006 - Error técnicoTechnical error 2008 - Factura rechazada por Invoice rejected by KSeF 2013 - Factura pendiente de estadoInvoice status pending 2014 - Error técnico corregido2015 - Factura corregida pendiente de estadoTechnical error corrected 2015 - Corrected invoice status pending |
XML Allows you to view the XML of the records at the current moment. This XML view may not correspond to the XML view found in the attachment field since the parameterization of some fields may have been modified from the time of sending until now.
It is recommended to always check the XML in the attachments after sending the records. This way, you will be viewing what was actually sent to the Tax Authority.
A window will be displayed with the corresponding XML.
Nota |
Only records in the following states can be reprocessed: 2007 - Invoice accepted by KSeF 2010 - Corrected invoice accepted by KSeF 2011 - Corrected invoice rejected by KSeF |
A pop-up window will display the history of the states the record has gone through. The following fields will be visible:
Counter - Sequential number of steps the record has gone through
Status and status description of the invoice and the states it has gone through
Modification date and time - Date and time of the action performed on the record
User modification - User who performs the action on the record