Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.


  1. Execute Internet Explorer
  2. Click on the Tools Menu
  3. Choose Internet Options
  4. Select the Privacy tab
  5. In the Pop-up Blocker menú:
  6. Add the URL: ""
  7. Click on Close.
  8. Click on Apply
  9. Finally, click on Ok.

Google Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. In the upper right corner, click the Chrome menu  .
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Click on Show Advanced Settings.
  5. In Privacy, click the button “Content Settings…” .
  6. On Pop-ups, click on “Manage exceptions…”
  7. Add URL: "https://[*.]" and click on button Finished.


Add Service Desk to trusted sites

Adding in a browser works on all others.

Internet Explorer

  1. Click the icon  in the upper right of the browser (below the X symbol to close)
  2. Go to Internet Options
  3. Click the tab Security > Trusted Sites >Sites, and click in Sites.
  4. Add URL "" and click the button Add.
  5. Click the buttons Close and Ok.

Google Chrome

  1. Click the icon Chrome menu    in the browser toolbar.
  2. Go to Settings and Show Advanced Settings.
  3. Go to Network and click on Change proxy settings…
  4. Click on Security > Trusted Sites > Sites and click in Sites.
  5. Add URL "" and click the button Add.
  6. Click the buttons Close and Ok.