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b+ electronicInvoice global compliance solution EN
b+ dgtal eInvoice Italy
3. User's guide.
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Cambios realizados por
Patricia Marcela Villouta Le Mare
Patricia Marcela Villouta Le Mare
Guardado el
feb 11, 2020
feb 11, 2020
Cambio anterior: Diferencia entre las versiones 6 y 7
Próximo cambio: Diferencia entre las versiones 8 y 9
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3.1 Introduction.
3.2. Solution b+ Electronic Invoice Italy
3.2.1. Issued Invoices status to check
3.2.2. Electronic Invoice Italy Monitor
3.2.3. Configuration of the message bodies email to send
3.2.4. Configurations VAT
3.2.5. Italy configurations
3.2.6. Code destinatario configurations
3.3. Issued Invoices
3.3.1. Toolbar Italy
3.3.2. Legend about the status of the issued invoices
3.4. Received Invoices
3.4.1. Toolbar Italy
3.4.2. Posting
3.4.3. Legend about the status of the received invoices
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