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List of improvements Fattura PA V2.0

1FixError 4111 when processing SD invoices when posting



Improved control of electronic invoice blocks

3ImprovementA new step is added in the configuration of interpreter I1 for the accounting process.
4ImprovementConfirmation popup is added when exiting the posting monitor.
5ImprovementIf an invoice is blocked by a an user, the informative message indicates the user's name that is processing the invoice.
6ImprovementIn the posting monitor, the data entered in the ALVs will be saved in memory when you change changing cells.
7ImprovementThe payment method is retrieved from the XML of the invoice received to into the screen form.
8ImprovementNavigation to purchasing and accounting documents from the ALV of transaction /EDGE/FC_03
9FixCopying an entry from table /EDGE/EI_IT_BU did not update the change log correctly.
10ImprovementNew class /EDGE/CL_FC_INTER_EXE_IT for interpreters I2 and I1
11ImprovementNew /EDGE/CL_EI_IT_RCV_SRV_CHANNEL class for received channel I1
12New functionalityImportant: Setting Document Type for Incoming Invoices from Table /EDGE/EI_IT_BU. See manual tasks for more information.
13New functionalityStatus responses on issued invoices are stored and can be viewed from the "View Response Log" button of the transaction ALV /EDGE/FC_03
14New functionalityDirect flow to SDI through TCI (Techedge Cloud Integrator) to replace thirdparties (Infocert, Alfresco, Edicom). See more information.
15ImprovementWhen you post posting an incoming invoice from on the screen form, you will be notified by means of a warning will notify if there are differences in withholdings withholding taxes between what was posted and what was data posted on the screen form and data reported in the XML.
16New functionalityIn For incoming invoices, the customer is allowed to navigate from the ALV of transaction /EDGE/FC_03.
17ImprovementImportant: The /EDGE/EI_IT_CDDE table has been redefined for a better functionality. It is recommended that before updating you to review the entriesbefore updating, in this table and then re-enter them if necessary. See manual tasks for more information.
