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To be able to enter to see In order to check the invoices that have been sent to NAV, the following transaction is must be used

Product transaction: /n/EDGE/EIHU_MONI - Electronic Invoice Hungary Monitor

Keep in mind that when you place the transaction Please consider this transaction must start with "/n/" in the SAP start menu you will have to go with /n/ ahead as it is a non-standard transaction.


Once the transaction is placed, we will you must press " Enter " and the following filter screen will appear:

In this fi later screen first place, you will have to choose the type of invoice that is going to be consulted:

-           EHUFI: Invoice issued FI Hungary


Once selected the type of invoice issued can be filtered by more , you can filter for additional data, such as:

-           Facture status to           Invoice status to

-           Entry date of invoice           Invoice's entry date

-           Users

-           Type of invoice           Invpoice type

-           Society           Company Code

-           Client. etc           Customer, etc.


Next, click Run you can click Execute buttom (F8)  and redirect to enter in the product monitor:

In this monitor you can see check all the invoices that correspond according to the filter that has been applied set in the previous screen .