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From the Received Invoices incoming invoice monitor select the Post Document button to access the posting screen, the user will be able to post financial and logistics invoices.

If the invoice comes without an order number entered in the xml, the system will navigate to the financial posting screen, if on the other hand the xml comes with an order number, the system will navigate directly to the logistic posting screen.
The user will be able to navigate to both types of postings when required.



  • Financial posting screen



The General section details the header data of the document to be posted.

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In the Vendor section you will see the data related to the vendor, items, taxes and invoice amount.

In the Document items, we enter the data for the item to be posted

In the Tax Positions, we enter the data of the taxes to be posted.

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In the payment section, we can see and modify the terms of payment of the invoice

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In the withholdings section, we can see and define the invoice withholdings

From the posting screen, you can carry out the following actions

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 Manual Post: This option will navigate to transaction FB0 to make a manual posting of the document.

  • Show XML: With this button you will be able to see the XML of the invoice.
  • Save: You must press this button to save the data entered on the screen
  • Simulate: You can use this button to simulate the posting and check if there is some mistake remaining before doing the posting.
  • Post Document: You must press this button and the posting will be made. It is important to know that the correct order is first the Save button and afther that the Post Document button.

Once you press the Post Document button the invoice will be posted.

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  • Logistic posting screen

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