Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.

From the monitor of received invoices we can find the following functionalities:

-Reprocess invoice: In case the invoice has been left "In Process" will be able to Reprocess to try the shipment again.


You must select the invoice you want to post and press the Post Document button. That way you will be able to post the document.


Navigable Fields:


You can press the “eInv. ID” button.


Here you can see the detail of the electronic invoice.


You can press the “Log” button.


Here you can see all the detail of the electronic invoice processing log.


You can press the “Attached” button.


You will be able to see the complete XML.

The columns monitor data show different information:

Image Removed

Image Removed



