Note1: Client will create their own Roles and decide which authorization objects will be assigned to each User / Role. In any case, it is recommended that the deployment team has the ZESI_ADM authorization object in the development environment. It is also recommended that in the production environment the ZESI_ADM authorization object is assigned to selected users, since it allows any action in the SII environment. The rest of authorization objects can be assigned to the users according to the tasks to be carried out by each one (alarms, cockpit, reprocessing, reconciliation ...), and several can be assigned to the same user.
- The authorization objects set forth below are equally valid for IS-U.
- Standard authorization objects for GOS menu: S_OC_ROLE
Views in B+SII:
Authorization Object | Description | Parameters |
ZESI_ADM | Purpose of Authorization administrator. The user assigned a role with this authorization object will have all the necessary permissions to run the complete SII product. Both in the cockpit, which includes all kinds of actions (create batch, send XML, exceptional processing and undo exceptional processing among others), alarms (create alarm, notify alarm) and reprocess. | - BUKRS: Company. In the role to which this authorization object is assigned, you must specify for which companies authorization is available. Since it is an administrator object, it could have authorization for all companies.
ZESI_ALARM | Authorization Object for alarms. The user who has this Obj. Aut. Will be authorized to execute the actions of the alarm monitor. | - BUKRS: Company. When this object is added to a role, it must be specified for which companies the authorization is sought.
- Activity: When a role has this object it is necessary to indicate which activities you want to authorize. The activities related to this object of authorization are the following:
- Activity '03' - Visualize. With this activity the user is authorized to read the information of the companies to which he has access and to be able to navigate to the cockpit from the alarm monitor
- Activity '12' -Trigger Alarm: This activity gives the user permission to change the status of an alarm.
- Activity '13' - Notify Alarm: this activity allows the user to generate a notification through the channel that has parameterized.
ZESI_EDOC | Objeto de Autorización para el cockpit. El usuario con este objeto de autorización podrá visualizar el cockpit y realizar las acciones que se le hayan asignadoObject of Authorization for the cockpit. The user with this authorization object can view the cockpit and perform the actions assigned to it. | - BUKRS: Company. When this object is added to a role, it must be specified for which companies the authorization is sought.
- Activity: When a role has this object it is necessary to indicate which activities you want to authorize. The activities related to this object of authorization are the following:
- Activity ‘01’ - Create Batch. With permission to this activity is given permission to create batchs.
- Activity '03' - Visualize. With this activity the user is authorized to read the information of the companies to which he has access and to be able to visualize the cockpit.
- Activity ‘04’ - Marcar como corregido. Con esta actividad se da permiso para corregir lotes.
- Activity ‘05’ – Retener. Con esta actividad damos permiso al usuario para retener un eDocument intermedio.
- Activity ‘06’ – Liberar- Con esta actividad se da permiso al usuario para liberar un eDocument intermedio.
- Activity ‘07’ - Añadir a Lote. Con esta actividad se da permiso al usuario para añadir un eDocument intermedio a un lote ya existente.
- Activity ‘08’ - Sacar de Lote. Con esta actividad se da permiso al usuario para sacar de un lote un eDocument intermedio.
- Activity ‘09’ - Generar y enviar XML. Con esta actividad se da permiso al usuario para enviar un lote a la AEAT.
- Activity ‘10’ - Descartar Lote. Con esta actividad se da permiso al usuario para descartar un lote.
- Activity ‘11’ - Corregir. Con esta actividad se da permiso al usuario para corregir un eDocument intermedioMark as corrected. This activity gives permission to correct batches.
- Activity ‘05’ - To hold back. With this activity we give the user permission to retain an intermediate eDocument.
- Activity ‘06’ - Release - This activity allows the user to release an intermediate eDocument.
- Activity ‘07’ - Add to Lot. With this activity the user is given permission to add an intermediate eDocument to an existing batch.
- Activity ‘08’ - Take out Lot. With this activity the user is given permission to remove an intermediate eDocument from a batch.
- Activity ‘09’ - Generate and send XML. With this activity the user is given permission to send a lot to the AEAT.
- Activity ‘10’ - Discard Batch. With this activity the user is given permission to discard a batch.
- Activity ‘11’ - To correct. With this activity the user is given permission to correct an intermediate eDocument.
- Activity '16' - Recuperar compensados. Con esta actividad se da permiso al usuario para poder visualizar los documentos que compensa o el que lo compensa Recover compensated. With this activity the user is given permission to be able to view the documents he compensates for.
ZESI_REPRO | Objeto de Autorización para Reproceso. El usuario que tenga este objeto tendrá permisos para reprocesar Authorization Object for Reprocessing. The user who has this object will have permissions to reprocess eDocuments. | - BUKRS: Company. When this object is added to a role, it must be specified for which companies the authorization is sought.
- Activity: When a role has this object it is necessary to indicate which activities you want to authorize. The activities related to this object of authorization are the following:
- Activity '03' - Visualizar. Con esta actividad se da autorización al usuario para leer la información de las sociedades a las que tiene acceso.Activity ‘15’ – Reproceso. Con esta actividad se da permiso al usuario para poder reprocesar un Visualize. With this activity, the user is authorized to read the information of the companies to which he has access.
- Activity ‘15’ – Reprocess. With this activity the user is given permission to reprocess an eDocument.
ZESI_CONCI | Objeto de Autorización para Conciliación. El usuario que tenga este objeto tendrá permisos para crear y/o visualizar conciliacionesObject of Authorization for Conciliation. The user who has this object will have permissions to create and / or visualize reconciliations. | - BUKRS: Company. When this object is added to a role, it must be specified for which companies the authorization is sought.
- Activity: When a role has this object it is necessary to indicate which activities you want to authorize. The activities related to this object of authorization are the following:
- Activity '03' - Visualizar. Con esta actividad se da autorización al usuario para leer la información de concilia de las sociedades a las que tiene acceso.Activity ‘02’ – Modificar. Con esta actividad se da autorización al usuario para crear y reanudar la conciliación de las sociedades a las que tiene acceso Visualize. With this activity, the user is authorized to read the conciliation information of the companies to which he has access.
- Activity ‘02’ - Modify. With this activity, the user is authorized to create and resume the reconciliation of the companies to which he has access.
ZESI_RFCS | Objeto de Autorización para ejecución de RFCs de actualización de Cockpit y de respuesta AEAT Authorization Object for Execution of Cockpit Refresh RFCs and AEAT Response (/EDGE/SII_ESTADO_LOTE_MW y /EDGE/SII_RESPUESTA_AEAT). | - BUKRS: Company. En el rol al que se asigne este objeto de autorización se debe especificar para qué sociedades se tiene autorización. En el caso de indicar "*" se tendría autorización para todas sociedades.
A parte de estos objetos de autorización y aunque no sea un objeto desarrollado específicamente para el producto se hace uso del siguiente objeto para la visualización de las entradas relevantes al producto desde el menú SGOSApart from these authorization objects and even if it is not an object developed specifically for the product, the following object is used for the visualization of the relevant entries to the product from the SGOS menu :
Authorization Object | Description | Parameters |
EDO_BUK | Objeto de autorización estándar para eDocument por sociedadStandard authorization object for eDocument by company. | - BUKRS: Sociedad. En el rol al que se asigne este objeto de autorización se debe especificar para qué sociedades se tiene autorizaciónCompany. In the role to which this authorization object is assigned, you must specify for which companies authorization is available.