UC-03b | VersionManagement - Update version |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | - User must be logged
- User may require ROLE_PRODUCT_MANAGER
Description | Functionality to update a version |
Secuence | - User request to obtain a product version by primary key to be modified
- If version is published system warns user about this fact and recomends to create a new version. System offers the option to force update.
- System returns product version model.
- User updates version information. User can updates I18n fields for the defined languages, add new languages or remove an existent one.
- System receives request and save it to storage. field will be ignored.
- PubishDate and UploadDate will not be editable.
- User may add/remove new artifacts to the current version
- (@see UC-04e ArtifactManagement-uploadArtifact and UC-04f ArtifactManagement-removeArtifact)
- If new artifacts are modified UploadDate must be updated. PublishDate may remain unchanged.
Postconditions | Audit fields must save who modified that version. |
Exceptions | System will raise and exception if primarey key does not exist. |
Comments | None |