Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.



VersionManagement - Update version

  • User must be logged
  • User may require ROLE_PRODUCT_MANAGER
DescriptionFunctionality to update a version
  1. User request to obtain a product version by primary key to be modified
  2. If version is published system warns user about this fact and recomends to create a new version. System offers the option to force update.
  3. System returns product version model.
  4. User updates version information. User can updates I18n fields for the defined languages, add new languages or remove an existent one.
  5. System receives request and save it to storage.  field will be ignored.
  6. PubishDate and UploadDate will not be editable.
  7. User may add/remove new artifacts to the current version  
  8. (@see UC-04e ArtifactManagement-uploadArtifact and UC-04f ArtifactManagement-removeArtifact)
  9. If new artifacts are modified UploadDate must be updated. PublishDate may remain unchanged.
PostconditionsAudit fields must save who modified that version.

System will raise and exception if primarey key does not exist.

