UC-04a | ArtifactManagement - Upload artifacts |
Versión | 1.0 |
Dependencies | None |
Preconditions | - User must be logged
Description | Functionality to upload new artifacts associtated with and existent version |
Secuence | - User request to upload artifacts by version identifier
- System returns modal component to upload multiple large files.
- User adds artifacts and start upload process.
- System starts upload in background and notifies the user after completion.
- System saves artifact to the underlying datastorage
- System calculates MD5 over the uploaded artifact
- System creates an artifact metadata entry with storage stats.
- Version UploadDate must be updated.
Postconditions | Audit fields must save who created that artifact. |
Exceptions | System must reject version if provided version identifier KEY does not exist. |
Comments | Upload events must be prevented once an upload task has started. System must alert user about that. |