Installation files
In this release two new support packages are released:
These files can be downloaded from the customer portal in the installation section, version 1.7.4, using software components:
It is necessary to have the Concilia License component installed: Installation of Concilia Licenses. It is enough to have the component installed to carry out the installation, it is not necessary to wait for the activation of the license.
Installation for SP5 TESII and SP4 TESIICNC.
Log in the system in EN, Client 000.
Once they have been loaded, press
Then select the TESII component.
The SPs to be installed will appear in green.
Press the green check and in the next pop up, press NO.
Once the process is finished, click on the queue confirmation icon.
BC_SETs activation
/EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SP5_SIN_MANDANT: It only needs to be activated in one client since its tables are not client-dependent.
/EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SP5_CON_MANDANT: It needs to be activated it in every available client because the data it contains is client-dependent.
Before activating them, you need table SCPRSTAM needs to be set up table SCPRSTAM. This table is client-independent, so it makes no difference in which client you set it up. It is only set for one client.
To activate a BC_SET go to t-code SCPR20. Enter the name of BC_SET: /EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SP5_SIN_MANDANT.
Click on the Consistency Check icon and check that no errors occur.
This Warning may appear: Field TABNAME of set CE /EDGE/SII_BC_SET_SP5_SIN_MANDANT is not an integral part of table/view EDOTYPE. It can be ignored as this field is irrelevant in the information provided from the product for this table.
Once the consistency has been checked, click on the icon to activate it.
Press OK as many times as necessary.
During activation, the process will request a transport request.