The operation, the description and the help can be consulted in the section of the previous version Enhancement BADI SII mapping (IS-U_SD)
There are new BAdIs to map the new fields that are sent in the XML. These are grouped in the extension point / EDGE / SII_MAPEOS_ISU.
The two new BAdIs created in this version are:
/ EDGE / BADI_SII_MAP_FE_SD_11 BAdI for mappings of the version 1.1 of the XML. This BAdI has a default implementation and the class that it uses for them is / EDGE / CL_SII_MAP_FE_FICA_11.
It consists of the following methods:
- GET_MACRODATO: It determines the mapping of the macrodata field.
- GET_DESC_OPERACION: It determines the mapping of the operation description field.
- GET_DETALLE_EXENTA: It determines the mapping of the new Exempt Detail block.
BAdI for mappings of the 1.1 version of the XML without implementation by default.
The methods that form it are:
- GET_FACT_DISP_ADICIONAL: Method to calculate the mapping of the Additional Third and Sixth Disposition Billing field and the Organized Gas Market.
- GET_FACT_SIN_IDENTIF_DEST: Method to calculate the mapping of the Invoice field without Identif. Recipient Article 6.1.d.
- GET_ENTIDAD_SUCEDIDA. Method to calculate the mapping of the succeeded Entity field.
- GET_REG_PREVIO: Method to calculate the mapping of the Reg. Previous field GGEE or REDEME or Competition.
- GET_FACT_SIMPLIF_ARTIC: Method to calculate the mapping of the Simplified Invoice field Articles 7.2 and 7.3.
- GET_NUM_REG_ACUERDO: Method to calculate the mapping of the field Number Registration Agreement Billing.
- EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_GET: Method to calculate the mapping of the External Reference field.
- GET_DATOS_INMUEBLE: Method to calculate the cadastral references after 15 for the book of additional properties.
- DETERMINA_REF_CATAST: Method to determine if an additional property eDocument must be created. It is used in the creation BTEs for the generation of this book.