After the installation of version 1.7.4, certain points must be checked to adjust the customizing and ensure the correct functioning of the installed release.
- First,
- you
- must
- review
- the
- customizing assignment
- guide
- for
- the
- new
- release of
- 1.1
- and
- adjust
- the
- system
- and
- the relevant customizing with this help.
- For
- this
- it
- is
- recommended
- to
- read
- all
- the
- documentation
- in
- the
- link:
- 18.
- 1.1
- " and make the necessary changes.
- For the part of Concilia, it is necessary to read the documentation on this release in the link: 7- "VERSION AEAT 1.1"
- In addition, In this release licenses for the Concilia are checked, whitch must be activated. It is necessary to consult the page: 9. License to conciliate and you must add the properly licensed.