Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.

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If you click on the icon Image Added you can see the differences in another screen:

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AEAT/SAP Differences-> In this tab you can see the data of the record, the type of operation and the status of the same. If you click on the status (in this case "Included in Batch") you will navigate directly to the document in the cockpit.

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By clicking on the “Differences Tree” you can see a reportImage Added, in which, by displaying the sections, we will see the date that disagrees in a more detailed and visual way. On the left side SAP data and on the right AEAT data. The data that disagrees with a yellow background will appear.

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There can be two types of differences::

-Differences by state: you will come out with yellow line..

-Differences for data: it will come out with a transparent line, except when there are differences in amounts, which will be shown in red.

Orphans-> Register that have an ID in the AEAT, but that ID does not exist or does not find it in SAP.

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By clicking onImage Added , as in the previous section, you can display the tree to see all the information related to the invoice in more detail.

Doc. SAP without AEAT-> Documents not sent to the AEAT or documents that for any reason have not reached the AEAT.

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From the tabs "Differences AEAT / SAP" and "Doc. SAP without AEAT" you can navigate to the financial document, by clicking directly on the DocumentNumber:

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