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When transporting the order, new types of eDocument are added for the losses by change of Invoice ID, these types have to be activated for the companies of the project. For this we use the transaction "/EDGE/SII_CARGA_SOC" with description "SII - Charge of companies param."
The entries corresponding to the companies will have been marked in yellow:
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You must mark the entries and press the "Reload Company" button, then we will select the transport order for the transport to the different systems, if we start the transaction again we will see the entries marked in green:
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3.   Add the batch determination inputs for intermediate.

Since new types of batch are added with their respective mapping for new declines by change in Invoice ID, the conditions must be added to create such batches, the recommended logic is that it be done only for intermediate type. For this we will enter the transaction "/EDGE/SII_CU_007 - Conditions for SII lots" and we will create the following entries:
Write-offs for change in Invoice ID for FE.
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And the conditions for the criterion.
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Write-offs for change in Invoice ID for FR.
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And the conditions for the criterion.
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Write-offs due to change in Invoice ID for BI.
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And the conditions for the criterion.
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Write-offs due to change in Invoice ID for OI.
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And the conditions for the criterion.
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4.   Activation of the parameter CHANGE_ID_FACTURE.

Finally, the parameter "CHANGE_ID_FACTURE" must be activated in the transaction "/EDGE/SII_CU_011 - MW parameterization in SII". This parameter serves as a switch and allows us to activate and deactivate the functionality quickly. In order for the functionality to be active, the value "X" must be given to this parameter:
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