Versiones comparadas


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The version of the SAP Content Repository associated with the CIM model of SLD should be 7.0 or higher. Otherwise, it should be updated. To verify the version, go to “administration” in SLD and click on “details”:

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Next, the system version can be verified:

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Loading process to SLD:

Access to SLD of SAP NW PI/PO and import the product and software component contained in the file “”.

To do this, use a user with administrator permission and access to the “administration” tab in SLD. Then, in the “content” box click on “import”:

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From the “import” option select the file “” that should be previously stored in the local system. When the file is selected, click on “import” button:

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Load verification:

When the SLD information needed for the adapter is imported, it can be checked by clicking in “products” in the management window of SLD:

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By searching for “MQTT_ADAPTER of” the installed product can be found, containing a software component with the same name and with a version number “1.0”:

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If the product is not found, it is possibly because SLD has a little delay since an import is done until the components are available. A refresh can be forced by stopping and restarting SLD from the administration window, clicking the “Stop SLD” button whose label will become in “Start SLD”:

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Clicking the “Start SLD” button a refresh process will be done and the status color will turn green again.

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