In the toolbar, standard SAP functionalities are included and at the end of the line, extra functionalities were added for the product:
- View Issued XML: If the line corresponding to any invoice is selected and its clicked on View issued XML, the report it will appear.
Main errors will be listed on the screen and to check the XML received, you can press the View XML button.
Press Yes to save the attachments
Navigable Fields from monitor's column titles :
On one invoice line you have different fields which you can navigate to see different information:
- EInvID: Electronic Invoice Identification generated automatically by the system.
If you press the field “eInv.ID”.
- Document number: Code generated for SAP documents. Clicking this field will link to the original FI document.
- Log: Opens the log screen with technical information for the the invoice, specifying the communication steps performed.
- Attached: Allows to check documents attached related with the electronic invoice.