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In the toolbar, standard SAP functionalities are included, as well as additional functionalities specific to Hungary eInvoice monitor.


It executes the action of reprocessing eInvoice records that have ended with an error, by re-executing the data mapping and the NAV eInvoice record forwarding workflow.

Once the “Reprocess” action has been completed the eInvoice record status is updated accordingly.



Generates an XML view of the eInvoice records as they are currently being mapped, in a separate window.



The XML mapping displayed via the "View XML" feature may not precisely match the actual XML transmitted and stored in the "Attachments" section.
This discrepancy may arise due to potential modifications in data fields from the time of initial XML submission to the present.

For accuracy assurance, it's recommended to consistently review the XML documents stored in the "Attachments" section following their reporting to NAV.


This feature allows users to review NAV’s response to the selected eInvoice record, allowing for verification of issues and reasons related to rejection codes. Additionally, when an eInvoice record has been accepted by the NAV, the "View Response" function enables the examination of any warnings present in the selected file.


If the “View XML” button, present at the bottom right corner of the window is clicked, a new window will pop-up with the XML of the response.



Depending on the state in which the invoice is, this functionality allows modifying that state.


  1. Once the record displays the state "1000 - Invoicing process started" in the ALV of the eInvoice Hungary monitor, select the invoice and click on the "Reprocess" functionality, which will re-execute the invoicing procedure and send it to the NAV.



This function performs the technical annulment process described on the section 2.4 of the The NAV Online Invoicing System guide published in the official website of the NAV agency
