Versiones comparadas


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  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.




Type of conciliation




Concilia ID Concilia


Sequential conciliation number.





If it appears with a green check, there is no difference.

If it appears with the exclamation mark, there are differences.

The differences icon will be navigable and will show us a screen where we will visualise the detail of the differences by different categories.

the detail of the differences by different categories will be displayed.

For more details, see the section Differences conciliation.

………………………………………………………………………………… ver el apartado Diferencias conciliación.




Company for which the reconciliation is carried out.


 Tipo de consulta

Type of enquiry


Type of consultation for which the reconciliation is carried out.


Fiscal year


Financial year for which the reconciliation is carried out.





Status at the end of the reconciliation performed. It is identified by colour:

Green - Conciliation completed

Yellow - Conciliation in process

Red - Reconciliation not completed due to an error in the process. Allows the option to Resume




Log generated by launching the conciliation.

The log icon will be navigable only in cases where the reconciliation is in error status.

It will navigate to SLG1 and show the log generated in each case.

 Fecha expedición desde

Date of issue from


Initial date of issue of the invoices taken into account for the reconciliation.


 Fecha expedición hasta

Date of issue up to


Final issue date of the invoices taken into account for the reconciliation.



Total AT


Sum of the gross amounts of all invoice items registered in the TA.

The total TA amounts of the invoices registered in the tabs

TA/SAP Differences - Orphans and Documents consulted without differences.

Invoices marked as cancelled do not count for the calculation of the ALV amount.


Total SAP


Sum of the gross amounts of all invoice items recorded in SAP.

The total SAP amounts of the invoices registered on the tabs

TA/SAP differences - SAP documents without TA and Documents consulted without differences.

Invoices marked as cancelled do not count for the calculation of the ALV amount.


Diferencia importe Difference total amount


Difference between total TA and total SAP.


 Base imponible AT

TA tax base


Sum of the taxable amounts of the invoices registered in the TA.

The TA tax base amounts of invoices registered in the tabs

TA/SAP Differences - Orphans and Documents consulted without differences.

Invoices marked as cancelled do not count for the calculation of the ALV amount.


Base imponible SAP tax base


Sum of the taxable amounts of the invoices registered in SAP.

The SAP tax base amounts of the invoices registered in the tabs

TA/SAP differences - SAP documents without TA and Documents consulted without differences.

Invoices marked as cancelled do not count for the calculation of the ALV amount.


Diferencia Difference taxable base imponible


Difference between the AT tax base and the SAP tax base.



IVA Repercutido AT

VAT charged TA


Sum of the VAT shares of the items of the invoices registered in the TA.

The AT Reckoned VAT amounts of the invoices registered in the tabs

AT/SAP Differences - Orphans and Documents consulted without differences.

Invoices marked as cancelled do not count for the calculation of the ALV amount.


IVA Repercutido VAT charged SAP


Sum of the VAT shares of the items of the invoices registered in SAP.

The SAP Reckoned VAT amounts of the invoices registered in tabs

AT/SAP differences - SAP documents without AT and Documents consulted without differences.

Invoices marked as cancelled do not count for the calculation of the ALV amount.

 Diferencia IVA Repercutido

Difference VAT charged


Difference between AT Reckonable VAT and SAP Reckonable VAT.



IVA Soportado AT

VAT borne TA


Sum of the input VAT shares of the invoice items registered in the TA.

The AT Input VAT amounts of the invoices registered in the tabs

AT/SAP Differences - Orphans and Documents consulted without differences.

Invoices marked as cancelled are not taken into account for the calculation of the ALV amount.


IVA Soportado VAT borne SAP


Sum of the input VAT shares of the invoice items registered in SAP.

The SAP Input VAT amounts of the invoices registered in the tabs

AT/SAP Differences - SAP Documents without AT and Documents consulted without differences.

Invoices marked as cancelled do not count for the calculation of the ALV amount.


Diferencia IVA Soportado

Difference VAT borne


Difference between AT Input VAT and SAP Input VAT.



Importe no sujeto AT

Amount not subject to TA


Sum of the non-subject amount of all invoices registered in the TA.

Non-AT amounts of invoices registered in the tabs

TA/SAP Differences - Orphans and Documents consulted without differences.

Invoices marked as cancelled do not count for the calculation of the ALV amount.


Importe no sujeto Amount not subject to SAP


Sum of the non-subject amount of all invoices registered in SAP.

The non-SAP subject amounts of the invoices registered in the tabs

TA/SAP differences - SAP documents without TA and Documents consulted without differences.

Invoices marked as cancelled do not count for the calculation of the ALV amount.


Diferencia importe no sujeto

Difference non-subject amount


Difference between the AT non-taxable amount and the SAP non-taxable amount.



IVA Deducible AT

Deductible VAT TA


Sum of the deductible amount of incoming invoices registered in the TA.

The AT deductible quota amounts of the invoices registered in the tabs

TA/SAP Differences - Orphans and Documents consulted without differences.

Invoices marked as cancelled do not count for the calculation of the ALV amount.


IVA Deducible Deductible VAT SAP


Sum of the deductible amount of incoming invoices registered in the TA.

The SAP deductible quota amounts of the invoices registered in the tabs

TA/SAP differences - SAP documents without TA and Documents consulted without differences.

Invoices marked as cancelled do not count for the calculation of the ALV amount.


Diferencia IVA deducible

Difference deductible VAT


Difference between AT deductible VAT and SAP deductible VAT


 Fecha envío

Date of dispatch


Date on which the reconciliation was performed.


 Hora envío

Time of dispatch


Time at which the conciliation took place.


 Usuario envío

User sending


User who performed the reconciliation.


