Versiones comparadas


  • Se ha añadido esta línea.
  • Se ha eliminado esta línea.
  • El formato se ha cambiado.

From the annotations section, the following functionalities will be available

Issued annotations


Received annotations


The ‘Annotations’ tab, is provided with the following functionalities:



Select the corresponding line and click on the View XML button.


After confirming the action, a message will appear confirming that the status change has been successfully executed



The ‘Delete annotation’ button will only be visible for received invoices. To delete an annotation, select a line and click on the button labeled 'Delete annotation'delete functionality is only available for LROE annotations of the following types:

  • FR: Issued Invoices

  • BI: Investment goods

  • CC: Cash accounting scheme (Receipts and Payments)


The management of LROE annotations that belong to Chapter 5 (Cash accounting scheme) will be available starting from version 1.6.

To delete, the line corresponding to the FR, BI, or CC annotation to be deleted needs to be selected before clicking the "Delete Annotation" button.



Deletion of FR, BI and CC annotations is only permitted for received annotations that are in the if the annotation is in any of the following states: "Created", "Included in batch", "Obsolete" or "Incorrect" states.

A deletion confirmation message will be displayed.#ActualizarImagen


Once deletion is confirmed, a confirmation message of the performed action will be is displayed and before the annotation will selected annotations disappear from off the ALV screen.#ActualizarImagen



Select the corresponding line and click on the button Create batch.


The annotation will change its status from Batch Included to Created.


Information: In the event that the a batch only had one entry annotation and it was taken removed from it; the batch will disappear from the batch monitor ALVtab.


HOLD (Retain)

Select at least one annotation and click on the Hold button.



Important: Only annotations with the status of ‘Accepted with errors’, ‘Correct’, or ‘Incorrect’ can be ‘Corrected’.

In the case of received and issued invoices without Software Garante, it will also allow the correction of annotations with the status of 'Accepted->Obsolete' and 'Obsolete'.

Received annotations

In the case of annotations received, there will be an annotation deletion functionality.



Important: Only annotations in status Created, Included in batch, Mapping error, Incorrect and Obsolete can be deleted.


FE 1.1 annotations (Annotations of issued Invoices with guarantor software) that are rejected as 'Incorrect', its correction will be sent as FE 1.2 annotations (Annotations of issued Invoices without guarantor software).