Transaction /EDGE/FC_SPRO → Configuration Folder "Business Object Automatic Determinationbusiness unit determination" → Subfolder "Determination by Tabletable/Structure Fieldstructure field" → Subfolder "Values for Determinationdetermination".
Access to this configuration is only possible after selecting an automatic determination and then selecting one of the fields to be validated.
This configuration allows you to assign the conditions that the field in question must meet for the corresponding business object unit to be instantiated. It returns true if at least one of the comparisons is true; otherwise, it returns false. This means that comparisons are performed using an OR between all values to compare for the same field.
The fields that must be filled for the comparisons are as follows:
- Secuencia Compa.
Sequence in which the comparison process will execute the comparisons. - Comp.
Comparison operator.
You can specify any of the following: - Contenido campo
Indicates the content to be compared.
An example of this configuration is shown below: