/EDGE/BADI_TB_CREA-> Contains the /EDGE/IF_BADI_TB_CREA interface which has these methods without :
Only the CHANGE_CREATION method has default implementation:
This implementation is located in the booking class /EDGE/CL_BADI_TB_CREA and its logic is that if the document has no rows in the BSET table it does not go through the b+ TicketBAI process.
These methods can modify the creation conditions.
The case of the DETERMINE_PRIORIDAD method is necessary to implement it when you want to change the order of priorities established by the standard detailed in:Settings for creating annotations
The CHANGE_ELECTRONIC_INVOICE method makes it possible to change the electronic invoice conditions in the channel class /EDGE/CL_TB_CHANNEL_GEN.
/EDGE/BADI_TB_CREA_BAJAS-> Contains the /EDGE/IF_BADI_TB_CREA_BAJAS interface which has this method with default implementation that retrieves the canceled document.
It would be necessary to implement this BAdI when the canceled document is obtained by other than the standard logic (see logic in the /EDGE/IF_BADI_TB_CREA_BAJAS ~ GET_DOC_CANCELLED method of the /EDGE/CL_BADI_TB_CREA_BAJAS class of reservation).