To have status alarms for batches of annotations, an entry must be created in this table for the type of alarm "STATUS" and the object for the product "LOTBATCH".
In the table of alarm conditions, entries may be included to set conditions for the batches. For example, the company code, or any other field that belongs to the extraction table of the object.
Status | Description |
1000 | Created |
1001 | Corrected |
1002 | Detained |
1010 | Included in lotbatch |
1011 | Mapping error |
1020 | Accepted with errors |
1030 | Correct |
1032 | Incorrect |
Status | Description |
2000 | Lot Batch created |
2001 | Error mapping records |
2002 | Transform to XML failed |
2010 | Error appending XML request |
2011 | Send failed |
2012 | Error appending response XML |
2013 | Error processing response |
2020 | Processing response |
2021 | Correct |
2022 | Partially correct |
2023 | Incorrect |