This screen can be expanded with the required fields.
To enlarge extend the fields for both selection and the ALV displayed on the monitor, the corresponding view will have to be enlargedextended.
This view is retrieved in the ABAP class parameterized in the "Monitor class" field of the product object parameterization.
This class, in turn, instantiates the rest of the parameterizable classes in this same table to carry out the comparisons and processes necessary for the correct operation of creating alarms.
Class for alarm monitor
As it is said before, inside ‘Product objects’ paramterization can be located the ABAP class that determines the alarm monitor view:
The GET_VIEW_SEL_MONITOR method determine the monitor view:
Therefore, if it is needed to extend fields on alarms monitor selection screen and ALV, this view should be extended. Fields from this view should come from extraction table or alarms .
Detailed explanation of views by product:
table. If these tables do not exist, they should be added in the corresponding table.
For that should be analized the class that is executing the product and what in what moment it need to report these new values in database.
In method GET_FIELDS_HOTSPOT are indicated fields that have event in monitor ALV.
In method EXEC_ACTION_HOTSPOT is set the logic for navigation events of monitor ALV.
In method MODIFY_CAT is defined catalog of monitor ALV.
In method MODIFY_FIELD_SCREEN are adapted fields from selection screen of monitor.
In method MODIFY_SEARCH_HELPS are indicated help search for fields from selection screen of monitor.